From Ice house to Photo storage Apps
The market is buzzing with all the photo storage app s at present. But even before apps for backup of deleted images were available, there were other provisions. Today let us have a re look at those stages of development to realize how far and how quickly we have come. It all started with a camera, those big cameras with clothes to cover the device and a rotating handle to capture a picture, then the size of the cameras started getting smaller. Then came the cameras with negative roles inside it, when camera’s were getting advanced, mobiles got introduced and in almost no time gained popularity, in a blink of time we were able to capture images from our mobile. Now Smartphones allow us to capture images as good as DSLRs. But this journey was not so short that we can easily pin it down in one paragraph. We will need a page at least! From the first camera built in 19 th century to today’s mobile devices, Photo storage methods have changed drastically. When mobiles a...